Happy Ramadan to all users. We have listed the latest Ramadan offers from Amazon. There is also one coupon AMAZON15, where you can save AED 50 on all Ramadan orders. There are few products excluded from the offer, but you will discount on maximum products. This offer is valid till 30th April only and we want most of you to use this.
What can you buy from Amazon with this offer?
Electronics – There are many products from electronics category. You can add as many from the list to your cart and proceed to pay. If you are a new customer use code FIRST15 on your first order and save 15% or maximum AED50. Hurry shop before the offer expires

Grocery – With your daily need products, you can save more day by day. There is almost everything which you required to buy for your daily needs with Amazon trust. Items are already discounted from 10% to 80% and there is additional saving which can be there with the new Amazon coupon. So, fill your cart today and place to get it delivered on time and save more!
Beauty & Personal Care – Give your style and beauty a new look with all top brands from Amazon.ae. Buy as many items including skincare, masks, facial, hand wash and many more. Just place your order now and use the promo code to save instantly. You can buy products as low as AED10 within this section.
There are 100’s of other categories at the biggest online store in UAE. We at Saversuae.com, will keep adding more offers to you from other brands in upcoming posts as well. Till then keep yourself safe, stay at home and keep shopping with Amazon.ae online store. If you need any help regarding the offer, please add a comment and our team will try to resolve all your queries.